Welcome Miss O'Connell's WebQuest

Welcome to Britta's O'Connell's WebQuest which is intended for students in 8th & 9th grade English. Please view the navigation bar below to begin your quest.

You are reminded to check the Due Dates tab for the days you and/or your group will be presenting, presentation instructions, grading rubric and lateness reminders.

Due Dates

The Evaluation Process will begin with the in class presentation of your propaganda campaign (which is due on ________________________). 

You will be presenting this campaign to Miss O'Connell and your classmates. We will become the overseers of the games and will vote (silently on paper) for our top three favorite Districts to host the games. (This vote will NOT affect your grade on this WebQuest.) The winning District from each class will be displayed for an entire quarter.

The remaining task requirements are due from each student on ______________________. Any projects or papers handed in late will be deducted points (3 points each day from the final grade).